I don't usually rant, but I am going to now. And I am trying to put this as delicately as possible...so when I lived in VT, I was always disappointed by the lack of solid Christian guys who were true leaders, but, being naive (as I see now that I was), I thought that there had to be more of these leader guys out in the great beyond. With that fatal assumption in mind, and also because of the encouraging report from others who have gone on to college before me, I headed off to Mississippi with the intention of meeting some great guys and forming friendships and getting out of this no-guys dry-zone I have lived in all of my life.
And here I am. And so far, I have been the one taking initiative. Every guy I have met (and I was talking about this with my good friend E.Dell), I have been the one asking the questions and keeping the conversation flowing and introducing myself and saying hi first. At first I was like, well, after we get to know each other a little better they'll take the initiative and talk to me, but no. So that forms two options. One, I am invisible to all members of the male sex and they literally CANNOT SEE ME let alone have the desire to speak with me (which is what I thought all of my life back home) or men do not know how to take the initiative socially. I am finally starting to believe the latter option. Now, I need to clarify before I get in trouble. I am doing my best not to make generalizations and in my mind, I am not, because I know some men back home who are def leaders and I also have met a paltry few here - but of course, they aren't quite in the "Lea's Friends" category.
Anyway, I used to think that if I got out of Vermont, I would find "good guys" who, as I said before, were leaders socially and spiritually, were solid in their faith, were deep-thinkers and interesting, but I see now that I merely created a mythological man who only exists in the past. It is clear that this is the result of feminism, becuase I know that even sixty years ago, men took the initiative. They walked the girls home from school, carried their proverbial books, asked them on dates, drove them places. And before that, it would be completely innapropriate for a woman to introduce herself to a man - he would take the lead. I think of Laura Ingalls and her courtship with Almanzo - he was several years older than her, but he took interest in her and followed through persistently until she finally reciprocated that interest (and that is a true story! This does not just exist in fiction!)
I have been trained to let the men take the lead, and I took that seriously all my life. But where are these men? Who exactly am I waiting for?
And then I wonder if I have gotten this mixed up in my mind - to what extent should men lead? Should they lead socially? Should they introduce themselves? Or am I taking this too far?
Well, this is a depressing topic. I hate having all of my childhood-illusions shattered in three weeks.
Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone. If you read this and you are a great guy and can defy all my conclusions, let me know. I'll be thrilled to meet you.
Hey Lea,
I don't really have "wise" words about this topic, but all I can say is just keep working at it...what I've found in my interaction with guys is that the more you get to know them, they are more proned to "take initiative". Give it a few weeks. I don't know how long you've known the guys at Belhaven, but they'll soon grow up and take initiative.
Like take a recent example I saw one of my guy friends (from my work) at the fair and he was like "Heather! What's up?" Now, we didn't have like a deep conversation, but he, in a way, "took inititive". And it didn't start like that. We both had to contribute to our now, pretty cool friendship. Okay, it was kind of a lame example, but hopefully you get what I mean.
I have a question that just popped into my head...were you looking for men to date, or just to be friends with?
Just keep working at it, they'll become their manly leader model eventually. Hopefully that was encouraging lol
Miss ya lots!!!! E-mail me sometime!! Luv ya!
Thanks Heath, that was helpful - actually, I was thinking friends, and I didn't mean to complain becuase I have met some nice guys who are taking initiative - you are right that the more you work at it the better it gets...I miss you too!
ok, so I'm sitting here at my computer, listening to "My Fair Lady" soundtrack, realizing the irony of being trapped between two extremes (of men). I think that I am finally beginning to understand God's sovereignty...if He wants us to be single our whole lives, cool. If not, then that guy will come in and take the initiative. Cool. I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but I think I've always kind of held that as an option. Now I think I'm content and happy to be where I am and excited to see what God is doing in my life RIGHT NOW, not in the future. I don't know if this makes sense...but thanks for writing our discussion out. It is clarifying.
okay good, haha I was like "I should've asked that question before I commented! But NOOOO...." lol
It's really weird; I don't think I've ever had a "huge" problem getting to know the opposite sex. Maybe it's because I have 3 brothers, and grew up with boys. I mean, I have had problems with guys that I wanted to date (remember: Cameroon/FLorida trip...yeah....I learned a lot from those!!!) I have had a bit of trouble getting guys to talk, but once I ask one question, then they start throwing questions my way. So then i was like "How can I encourage Lea?" cuz' I know eventually guys will start inquiring about you and your life. And I think I have more guy friends than gal friends (like here in Vermont this year....). It kind of makes me wonder if I'm a flirt......I hope not....and I'm rambling so I'm gonna stop!
BTW I would be your friend on facebook if I had one....I haven't found my e-mail addy yet haha
I'm a great guy, but I'm already married. Sorry.
Seriously, give it some time. You've been at Belhaven, what, 3 weeks or so?
A few thoughts:
1) Most guys are nervous around girls (if they're not a little nervous, then they're probably full of themselves, or had LOTS of sisters). Some of these guys that you think can't see you, might just be scared of you.
2) Most of these guys are young, and just learning about leadership. I didn't know who I was or what I was doing when I started college (not that I have those things pinned down now). It's much more difficult for a guy to feel confident in front of a girl if HE's not even sure who he is.
3) It's probably smart for most of these guys to take it easy for a while. College flips your world upside-down, and your emotions are very vulnerable. It would be very easy to be attracted to the first nice girl or guy you meet. It's not an excuse to be rude or anti-social, but there is some wisdom in playing it cool until you get a handle on who people are.
My advice? Don't worry nearly as much about meeting and talking to guys. Have fun making new (girl) friends, and doing things in (mixed) groups. If the opportunity arises to chat with a guy, that's great, but don't pursue these situations. Instead, work on observing some of these guys. See how they talk to their friends. Watch how they act around girls, how they respond to their professors, how they treat people they don't know. You can learn a lot that way.
Random thoughts. I'm sure Lizby has a good perspective on this as well, and her thoughts might be more helpful, as I can really only tell you what a lot of those guys are dealing with, but not necessarily how a girl should deal with it.
Mark Geoffriau (Lizby's husband)
THANK YOU! Everything is much better now. I really appreciate the advice though!
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